Hall & Studio Hire

Hornsby 24/7 Gym has two studios available for hire, perfect for dance classes, martial arts, & other similar activites. Feel free to pop by any time during reception hours and our staff will be more than happy to give you a tour.

To book studios, please download the booking form and return it via email to info@hornsby247gym.com.au, or in person to reception. See availabilities below.

 Studio 1

The larger of the two halls. Studio 1 includes a mirrored front section of the hall, air conditioning and a stereo system. $42.50/hr (GST included). Check availabilities below (click on bookings to expand start/end times)

Studio 2

A mirrored studio with ballet bars & air con, perfect for dance classes and martial arts. BYO sound. $35.00/hr (GST included).